7 Day Retreat in Turkey: Path towards Liberation

Quick Info

Optional Extras

Experience a boat trip around Dalyan, where the river meets the sea, cruise pass the ancient ruin city of Kaunos, immerse yourself in the mud at the mud baths and/or explore the 12 islands, stopping in several bays for a swim in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, noon to moon trip to the beach for sunset, delicious bbq meal with a selection of mezes (vegetarian dishes) than up to the lake to enjoy the magnificent night sky.

About the Retreat

The aim of this retreat is to build liberating and empowering options to life and health. Improving the quality of life through transforming practices in fun and joyful ways. Learn to listen to the messages of your body and your life. 

Rediscover connections to your potential, allowing space for the synchronicities that are possible and become aware of the wisdomful connections that can be made from being in silence and motions of stillness.

Feel physically, mentally, emotionally revitalised and renewed.  It’s an opportunity to integrate life experiences and maybe explore a spiritual aspect of it too.

  • 2 hours of early morning daily pranayama yoga breathing exercises, simple yet powerfully effective combined with body movement practices based in yoga, kundalini and Indian dance followed by embodied meditation.
  • 3 evenings of 1 hour silent dancing with an option of a short meditation.
    The rest of the day can be spent exploring the beautiful surroundings at your own pace.

Your Surroundings

A truly magical space for those who want something a bit different. I recently went to Turkey to check it out, hence the short notice impromptu decision to run a retreat.

The centre is overlooked by the beautiful Rocky Mountains, I could feel the loving powers of the mountains permeate through me, it’s an amazingly healing and tranquil place.  By the time I came across a turtle with a baby turtle sunning themselves I was sold. 

A beautiful sea water filled swimming pool to float in as you gaze over the Rocky Mountains. We will be in the season of the pomegranates, grapes, figs, plums, peaches and more.

What's Included

An Experience of a Lifetime...

Pranayama Breathing Workshop Turkey
A truly magical villa for those who want something a bit different, something exclusive and unique that they can share together to create heart warming happy memories, to enjoy the sunshine, fun and laughter, love and much joy.

Begin Your Healing Journey

Free yourself from the prognosis of your conditions, let’s see what’s possible and open up to your health potential.