On the 11.11am train to Lilydale, I was on a high.
All I had wanted was to see The Weekly with Charlie Pickering tv show, but the powers that be did one better, and showed me the man himself.
What do you think of that?! Aim high, think big!? Throughout most of my life, similar things have kept happening to me, that some may consider silly, embarrassing or stupid, but not to me.
Vipassana picture 2I have followed trails of feathers until it took a friend and I to the feather on the doorstep of the best pancake place in Amsterdam. I have followed signs, a few times I have even got lost, in London and through that I found a great place to work from, and also found a secluded lovely small park in the middle of a busy place. Ok, it turned out to be someone’s private communal back yard but I didn’t find that out for a long time and I wasn’t asked to leave. I have a feeling the residents of the lovely victorian building may have thought I lived there too, It was where I could go for my lunch and a nap, weather permitting.
vipassana picture 2bFollowing signs led me to meet my partner who brought me to Australia. Signs which helped me grow in my work, gain insights in the way I work. Signs that have helped me with my finances too. When i have chosen to acknowledge the signs and simply surrendered, something changes in me, small gaps arise where I am not just reacting to situations, things start to just happen that seem to fall into place, much better than I could have imagined. As a result I have felt very supported through times that could have turned out tougher.
So back to my Vipassana experience… Another lovely friend picks me up at the station in Lilydale and feeds me another yummy homemade vegie meal with almond meal bread. Then I get dropped off at the Vipassana centre. As we are waiting to register, I get talking to an Indian Gujrati girl janaki, who speaks my mother tongue, we connect and I feel like I have already made a good friend. My turn to register and the female assistant teacher assigned for the women, gives me the key to my accommodation and says I am amongst the very few who has been given an ensuite room by myself. Aaahhh…”icing on the cake’. I am meant to be here.
My way of thinking is that things that are meant for me will be made easier for me! Is that belief going to be tested here?